I love getting new products in the mail. I mean I love it so much I shall even dance for them. (Ask my neighbors. It scares them.) So when I got a box that was filled with Blink products, I dropped to my knees and kissed the box. (No tongue.) What do I mean by Blink products? Oh you are going to be so happy you asked me that!
Blink products are amazing little products to keep my car from looking like a family of homeless slobs live in it. (As it usually does.) But even more excited than just getting these products, I got them right before I left town. What better time to test out car cleaning products than a ROAD TRIP? Better yet, a road trip with an 11 year old and a 5 year old. Perfect.
The thing I loved about these products are the handy clips that are attached to them. You can clip them to the seat back pockets. However, as much as I love my Saturn, it is small and the kids insist on bringing half of their bedrooms with them when we travel, so it made it more difficult to attach them. So, being the ingenious Mom I am, . I improvised. It was seriously sad that I enjoyed these products to much. (Their slogan is "Blink and it is done!")
On our way home, we got caught in traffic. Like traffic that moves once every 5 minutes. Talk about the perfect time to get at least the front half of the car sparkling clean. You think I am kidding. I am so not kidding here. It gave me a chance to try all of the products at one time. I grabbed the Blink Smudge cleaners and got all of the front windows fingerprint free. Then grabbed the Spill Grabber and Stain Lifter that was suddenly needed when I slammed on the brakes (thankyouvery much SUV in front of me!). The mesh totes were perfect for me to gather up the miscellaneous items that I keep stocked in the car. And the Trash Tossers? Please! Road trip with kids + snacks = trash. I loved having easy access to trash bags without having to pray that I had some old shopping backs stuffed under the seat. (Though, if I did, I would have cleaned them up by then.) Honestly, I think these are way overdue products for busy moms who spend half of their lives in their car. I keep some of the product attached to the back of the seat and some in the glove box, but my Saturn is loving that I am enjoying these products so much. Of course, I had to wait until the end of the trip to climb into the back seat to clean, but even so, I was giddy with these cleaning products. And so was Sally. (That's my car. Don't judge me. I've had her longer than my daughter. Of course I named her.)
The only thing I would change if I could would be the size of the wipes in the Smudge Cleaners. They were really small and a bit hard to get a good grip to clean the bazillion fingerprints off of my windows. Other than that, there is not one thing about them that I would change.
If you are a busy Mom who spends a lot of time in her car, I highly recommend that you check into these Blink products. They truly do make your car cleaner and your life easier. And let's face it, things are hectic enough without searching out cleaning products to keep our cars from looking like we live in them--even though at times we think we do. And one of the greatest things ever? The KIDS wanted to help me clean up! Bonus!
My final vote for the Blink products? Two thumbs up (with a snap!).