When I was first asked to post review for the book Garage Sale America by Bruce Littlefield, I balked. Garage sales? I shudder at the thought. However, I shudder at the thought of having a garage sale. It wasn't until I got my hands this book that I began to see the fun and great deals that can be had with garage sales.
Garage Sale America opened my eyes! Oh, the hidden gems one can find at a garage sale. Just looking at the many (over a hundred) color photos of the fantastic finds that you can obtain made me salivate. Yes, I am admittedly a pack-rat. As I flipped through the amazing finds that Bruce Littlefield showcases, I begin to wonder what I may have in my house that is either worth something. Surely there is something.
However, as I read through this book my mind shifted from what do I have to what can I get? I am currently in the process of redecorating and remodeling my house. V-E-R-Y slowly, I might add. Suddenly, I am seeing adorable little gems that would make so much sense if I had them as accent pieces or decorative flair. (We must have our 27 items of flair in our room.)
"Bruce has been hailed as a 'design and lifestyle guru' by Publisher's Weekly."
So seriously, a guru showing me the way to a better gain at a garage sale. Bring it!
Now, for those who are a bit garage sale shy, he offers insight into how to get the best bargains, how to find the best unique buys and of course the best ways to set up your own garage sale.
After reading Garage Sale America, I am not as hesitant to go to a garage sale anymore. I know I could find the NEXT BIG THING. Or at least something really cool to go with my last big thing. In fact, with Bruce's advice, I just may brave out into the big bad world of having my own garage sale.
I recommend this book to anyone who loves garage sale shopping. I think you will really enjoy it. If you dread the garage sale world like I have, I recommend you take a look. Maybe it will change your mind.
It did mine.