When the good people over at the Parent Bloggers Network asked me to review Nozin, my first thought was Why not? I get sick too often from my germ infested school-bound kids. Okay, in reality, my first thought was I have stick stick a what up my where? Relax. It was just a swab in my nostril.
Nozin is a nasal sanitizer that helps reduce the risk of infection. You know how you get into crowded rooms and that fool person beside you sneezes and you can practically see the germs racing their way towards you? Well, with a a swab of Nozin in your nose, you can fee more protected against those germs.
From the package:
"Nozin is proven to be safe and effective. Apply before entering crowded areas: Planes, - Trains- Theaters- Work- School. Works up to 8 hours. Kills 99.9% of most common disease-causing germs."
Seeing as I was about to go on vacation, I gave it a try. Just a little flick of the swab until it appeared cloudy, bend it until a snap was heard, a tiny squeeze of the solution to saturate the tip and then swap that bad boy around the rims of my nostrils. I was afraid of these things smelling medicinal and icky, but surprisingly, they had a nice orange-like scent. I was very thankful seeing as I have super human powers of smell. I gag at strong smells easily! It's kind of a clean smell.
Not hard. Nothing to lose. Then I went on vacation to stay in a house with 18 other people.
I did not get sick.
Was it Nozin? Was it because no one else was sick? I have no idea. The point is, I can tell you for sure that I did not get sick while using Nozin. It is worth a shot. If you don't trust me, go to their site and get the travel pack and give it a try. If you think it is working, get more and keep those noses healthy!
The best thing about Nozin? "It is not an antibiotic so germs will not build resistance. NOZIN is non habit-forming and there were no important adverse events in the small numbers of subjects with limited exposure to the treatments in our study."
It worth a shot. I mean, if you are going to be playing with your nose, you might as well have a purpose behind it. Nozin it, baby.