Okay, I admit it. I signed up with Parent Bloggers to review the book Fathering Your School Age Child: A Dad's Guide to the Wonder Years 3 to 9 so that my husband would read it and then he could take over the review for a day. But then something strange happened. I read it. And like it. And by the very virtue of my reading a book, he pretty much read it, too. Why? Conversations like this:
Did you know you should weigh your child's backpack once in a while?
To make sure it is under the 10-15% of your child's weight. Duh!
It does not say that. Let me see that!
And then he was off reading and then telling me about what he read. Of course, that is just an example. But the whole book has practical advice for Dads. And no just Dads, but for any parent. PRACTICAL. Imagine that.
From playing, to volunteering. From teaching your child to being your child's advocate. It covers just about everything you can think about. From the Mr.Dad.com website:
When is it the best time to encourage a child's independence? What's the difference between daycare vs. preschool? What are the unique ways fathers impact their youngster's life? The answers to these questions and hundreds more are found in the pages of this easy-to-follow, informative volume. With wisdom, compassion, and humor, author Armin Brott devotes a chapter to each school year from pre-kindergarten through the fourth grade. In each chapter he outlines the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social changes the child is going though, and examines the emotional and psychological development the father may be experiencing. He also discusses issues that develop between dad and mom as well as matters that involve the whole family. In addition, each chapter contains a section called "You and Your Child," in which activities and issues appropriate to the given age are discussed.
At the end of the book there is a plethora or resources. Good resources. Relevant resources. Resources that would make a resource junky like myself weep.
One of my favorite parts to discuss with my husband was the quick reference "Talking the Talk." It is about Internet lingo and net-speak.
What does A3 mean?
A3. Tell me what it means.
I don't know.
Bad! You need to know. It means anytime, anywhere, anyplace! Seriously!
What about IPN?Something about urinating?
Ha ha. Seriously. IPN? What do you do if you see that?
*blank stare*
It means "I'm posting naked!" Naked. We better NEVER see IPN. Ever. Read this.
That is when he grabbed the book and started reading more to me. This is a great book that is relevant. Honestly, it is not just for Dads, but awesome for Fathers. A book that really does show the practical ways to interact, become involved and learn more about what is going on with your child.
The author, Armin Brott has also written books for Expectant Fathers, New Fathers, Toddlers and Fatherhood for Life. He is a wonderful author with resources I recommend all Fathers read. Easily laid out with handy reference guides and resources with all of his books.
Go check out his site and find out more. He has a lot more information on his site, too. Including a podcast and newsletter.